sábado, 9 de junho de 2007

Orkut pode ser útil para o estudar!

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Jogo do Vestibular...
unicamp 2008
Horários de Estudos

Só não siga os conselhos do Antonio Henrique e aproveite porque tem a participação do João Francisco que passou em primeirão na Unicamp do ano passado. Se você dar uma pesquisada nas comunidades dos vestibulares você vai encontrar um monte de dicas legais além dessas que o pessoal postou e muitas idiotas, basta saber separar.
Tem comunidades sobre vários assuntos em que o pessoal discute.
É só ter vontade de procurar. O único problema é ter que ficar lendo muito no computador, cansa um pouco.

Não precisa apagar seu orkut para estudar. E depois, você aproveita e manda um recado para alguém! ;-P

Bad, bad server. No donuts for you.

terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2007

World Professions

Firstly I'd like to say for my readers that it's my first article in english. I decided to do that because this blog can be seen for everyone in world and english, nowadays, is a world language.

The subject that I will speak here it will be about Internationals Relations. As I said in my last post in the Murilo's article, I think interesting speaking about careers due to its importance to clean doubts , questions. The profession that I chose was International Relations. This career it's that I have more information to discuss.

In Brazil this career inicialy was created by UnB (Universidade de Brasília) and nowadays is the course most concetuated among universities in that country.. But due to its importance, others universities like USP(Universidade de São Paulo),UNESP (Universidade do Estado de São Paulo), thought interesting adoupting this course in their graduate (and someone in MBA)due to the world scene.

The career is basead in relations diplomatics, economics, politics and culturals. It's important to clean that this course doesn't creat professionals in diplomacy and it can work with SEVERAL areas like private comapanies, governamental institutions and organizations not governamental ( that is the most promisor area for this market). Speaking about area, the market oftenly is in states and countries capitals (for sure, because is in this cities that the relations are more frequent.)

Basically, the course offers four big areas: Political Science, Hirstory, Economy and Law. In most of universities this four areas are obligated for two years and the other two year are chosen by the student.

To finalize ( this article was big, ufffffffffffffffff), for people that are preocupated with international problems, preocupated to defend each culture in world, preocupated in keep the peaceful in the world and that likes other cultures and languages, this career is the best way of finding out your personality.

Thanks for the paciency and please, post your opinion!