sábado, 5 de julho de 2008

Looking for everything!

This text was written for 'vestibulandos' but other people can found it valuable.

Let's go back to the start of the blog: vestibular. But before, you may be asking yourself: why this stupid man is writing in English?? Well, this is part of I want to talk. Besides, as Bruno has shown in a previously post (about International Relations!) , writing in English brings us some international visitors :) So, catch your dictionary and let's talk!

I'd like to say first that if you carry on, some information about a vestibular I did will appear (I won't say which one for this moment ;)

It's common students say that English is not so important for passing the exams, and this is true in part. However, the presence of this subject is not worthless and you should attempt to this fact.

English just not give you some extra points at vestibular, but it's also a powerful tool for your whole professional career, including your studies by now (is a kind a job, isn't it?). Knowing another language (this includes French, German, Japanese, Mandarim or whatever), specialy one that is used all over the world (English), means that you can found much more information that you'd found if you knew only Portuguese.

If you want to know, for example, about Circular Motion and you've found a very difficult task to found some material for studying , why don't you try to find it in other language? Certainly some interesting things will appear.

Moreover, when I said it's not worthless, it was true. A big part of scholar stuff at university is contaminaded by Elizabethan language, mainly in sciences. Books, sites, lectures, reports, reviews and so on. Then, a purpose of vestibular cointaing it becomes clear: it will be used indeed! Notice that the skills required also include listening and writing, i. e. communication in many ways.

Are you tired? But I still have an extra. As you have seen, speaking something more than Portuguese gives you some advantage. If you get to this point, you acess information that other one wouldn't be able to: I'll talk about Unicamp now. In the first level, most of people have problems with time. My tip (it did work!) : enter in the Comvest at the right column, download last three or four years exams (commented), do them and so read all the analysis(including dissertation), comparing your answers with the expected ones. Certainly, you'll realize some valuable patterns. Unicamp hopes the student to be able to write about great issues in a general point of view at dissertation.

On the other hand, my hope is that you understood how important is that kind of knowledege: communication in several ways. E (ufa!) não vou traduzir, como uma forma de você entender o espírito da coisa, de ir atrás da informação, independente da forma em que ela estiver. A tradução só virá quando o vestibular citado passar!

Boas férias! ou Hope you have a great gap year!

4 comentários:

Deleto disse...

This post is so good ! Congratulations Murilo !!
Well as you will see, my english is not very good, actually is awful...

Well English is very important. I am studying English alone, without an school of languages. Yet is really bad, but I am improving.
The English is really important, no only for Vestibular, but also for your professional career, how Murilo said. Because of this study.

Good... a big hug to all.

Joicinha disse...

es una penita que yo no puedo conprenderlo =/
creo yo q no es todos nosostros q estudias inglesh
mi cunpleños por tuya creatividad, pero su post no fue abarcador la todas las personas
y usted puede comprenderme?
hace mui tiempo que aca no tiña una actualización, y yo quedei un
cometario mi pero nadie retribuirlo

aguaito respuesta crendo si temprano
hasta luego

Anônimo disse...

Biên sur que je t'ai compris! hauahuahhua
Sim, nem todos usam inglês, mas infelizmente é o idioma da maioria(tirando o Mandarim que é distante de nós, é claro). Español também se encaixa no conceito de ampliar os limites do conhecimento, já que é usada em muitos lugares(os nossos vizinhos inclusive!!!!).
Desculpe-nos pela falta de atualização... é preciso de insights para escrever.
E Daniel , seu inglês não é ruim não. Esse talvez seja um dos melhores jeitos de aprender: entrar em contato de forma caótica com o idioma! hauahuahe


Bruno Sevciuc disse...

Yes, I really did like this post Murilo!Realmente, utilizar uma língua como ferramenta de trabalho e construção de carreira é importante, vide Relações Internacionais! Meu Deus, se não soubesse ao menos o básico do Inglês deixaria de ler várias leituras importantes pra minha formação profissional. Sem contar, que lá fora o Ingles, o Espanhol , O frances... são linguas utilizadas para a comunicação..

Y a la ultima persona que he postado un comentario yo concordo con ústed, ingles no abarca todas las personas, PERO su grand mayoria!Es una lengua universal y debe ser utilizada por muchos años hasta la decadencia de EEUU...
Y, si usted dedicarse a estudiar ingles vera que el mundo tornase más facil de comprenderse...

Perdon por mi español , yo busco aprendelo siempre más, pero ainda escribo un poco errado, pero es como Murilo ha dito : Tu debes aventurarse en las lenguas mismo si non sabes o que escribes ...

Abraços a todos!